
 How to build your own BloggerBin?

  1. Obtain client_secret.json file from 
  2. Clone the project using either command line (git clone or simply download the zip file.
  3. Installing requirements.txt, just type pip3 install requirements.txt command.
  4. Now, setup a environmental variable called BLOG_ID and assign your blog's id to it.
  5. Run the file so that it can create credentials.dat file which is very important
  6. Host your flask application on any server you want, i am going with pythonanywhere coz it's free.
  7. Open theme.xml file in text editor search for ENDPOINT variable and replace it's value with your newly created Flask API's endpoint.
  8. Everything's done!! Simply install the theme.xml file by going to theme section of your blogger's dashboard and click on restore theme.